Early season at snowy Lake Margery May 13, 2014
Mike Mullen | Added almost 10 years ago.
In the course of photographing each of the lakes of Desolation Wilderness I have had the good fortune to visit some lakes on multiple trips, which has proved to be an unexpected pleasure of this project. The experience is especially enjoyable when the season, or conditions, are radically different as happened with my two visits to Lake Margery. I first visited this lake on an early season hike when it was completely frozen over and was basically a small snowy meadow. Visiting it later that same year in late summer it was a charming blue pool fringed with wispy green grasses. The south end of the lake is adorned by a gracefully arching snag and a collection of rocks that combine to create a distinct scene.
Late summer at Lake Margery September 8, 2014